Forecast for Amazon

11thAgency Helped Forecastly to build multipurpose admin product with mobile first approach and based on the most popular front-end Bootstrap and jQuery frameworks. Resizable, Drag-able, Responsive grid structure it lets the users customize admin to dapt the pages as they want just in seconds.

The code has been written with best practices in mind and actively supported. It comes with two versions: handlebars/typescript/scss and html/javascript/css.

Start your project just now with 11thAgency and don’t waste more time on research, design and development.

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Rounded Rectangle 1
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Color & Contrast

forecastly Vector Smart Object copy

Color Code

forecastly Vector Smart Object2 copy

Color Code

forecastly Vector Smart Object1 copy

Color Code

forecastly Vector Smart Object3 copy

Color Code


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Analytic Overview

Forecastly’s analytics help to predict future sales and inventory issues.

Programming libraries and tools for all data visualization needs by amcharts

Forecastly InventoryForecast important pages

Overview Charts & Maps

Historical sales rank, order, and buy box price data on a single screen, to help you make fast and accurate buying decisions.

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100% Responsive Design

From small screens to big, the admin panel is designed to look great everywhere. The charts automatically adapt to available space by re-arranging, sizing and toggling their elements and controls.

Extremely Customizable

Forecastly’s analytics is Customize sales, inventory issues, Colors, styles, layout, animations, functionality, events – almost every aspect of the libraries can be customized with config or custom code.

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Easy to Use

Forecastly’s analytics is Easy to use user interface